100% Virgin European Natural Straight

Our Virgin European Hair is the highest quality of Virgin Hair on the market. The most expensive because the hair is not widely available as the other textures. This texture is very fine to medium density per strand. Naturally silky and has a natural wave to it when wet, can hold a curl, easy to straighten. It has the most natural lightest hair colors available. Lighter browns and blonde shades are often found in European hair, making it more valuable and healthier naturally, meaning less color processing when it comes to lighter shades. Takes color very well, if you like funky colors such as purples, reds and blues this is the hair you want to choose to achieve those vibrant colors. Matches perfectly with Caucasian hair but will blend perfect with African American hair texture as well. Each bundle is 3.5 oz. For a full sew in we recommend 3 bundles. If you desire full voluminous hair we suggest you go with 4 bundles. Remember the longer the hair in length the shorter the weft.